No. Vi. New Jen Eruweoe. Calamity. " Poor Old...
want of eulogizers, especially vocal eulogizers—Is it true F—By no means— Charges of the" notes" against the Scotch—Desirableness of national varieties —Scotch eulogizers of......
The Prince Consort Has Become The Patron Of The...
Exhibi- tion, which is expected to show a marked advance this year ; both in va- riety and character of the designs already promised. A portrait of Duncan Forbes, of Culloden,......
Sint Arts.
It would be absolute neglect not to touch upon the illnature in and Out of the House, that has attended the selection of Mr, G. Scott as the architect of the Forei:pi Office; an......
Extension Of The Suffrage.
711a, Febntary 1869. Sm—We must all view with considerable apprehension in the present unsettled state of Europe, the time and the talent of Parliament being oc- cupied with the......
Tflbr T Tyd Etitur.
ADULTERATION OF PUBLIC OPINION. Son—A future historian examining the records of the City of London, may find it duly enrolled, that in the mayoralty of Wire, on the 5th of......