26 FEBRUARY 1859, Page 6


A telegraphic despatch from Lord Naas to Father Peter Daly has been received at Galway, stating that "the Government have recommended the Treasury to negotiate with the Atlantic Steam Company a contract for a fortnightly mail service between Galway and America, subject to such conditions as may be agreed upon as to speed and efficiency ; the rate of payment not to exceed 30001. the trip."

Proceedings in Parliament furnish the means of refuting a scandal set on foot by the Nation. That journal insinuated that the Government were shielding the real assailant of the Reverend Mr. Nixon. It turns out that a witness deposed that one of the assailants was Mr. Nixon's son who would appear to have been serving in the army. On inquiry by the police it was not only found that the witness was near-sighted, but that Mr. Nixon's son was actually dining near Dublin at the time the mur- derous assault was made. 'Thus the calumny of the Nation is made manifest.