The detailed account of the United States' census reveals some
curious facts. One is, that the number of males exceeds that of females by 888,298, the numbers being males 25,52002, and the females 24,632,284. The difference must be mainly due to the large number of men who emigrate as compared with women, and accounts, in some measure, for the high position women attain in America. Curiously enough, the excess num- ber of males is within a few thousands of the excess of females in the United Kingdom. The number of coloured persons of negro descent has increased to 6,577,151, a full answer to the theory that negroes would perish of emancipation ; while there are 170,888 settled Indian,—apart from the wild tribes, and under Government care. There are only in all 105,363 Chinese. The effort to count the mottled Indians involved some extraor- dinary adventures, one Census clerk in particular doing his work in Alaska upon snow-shoes, and at the risk of his life. In EAg, land, it is said, the only risk is from enraged cooks, who for some mysterious reason, think employment depends upon their being thirty-five.