26 FEBRUARY 1881, page 1

Yesterday Week, The Speaker Explained That In Deference...

wish of Members of the House, he had reconsidered his new Rules, and proposed to substitute for them this single rule: —" That on a motion being made after notice by a Minister......

The Irish Members, Now And Then Assisted By Lord Randolph

Churchill, or Mr. Cowen, or Mr. Macdonald, have succeeded in making two or three "scenes" during the last week's Coercion debates. Yesterday week they were particularly violent,......

*** The Editors Cannot Wndertake To Return Manuscript In Awy


The News From The Transvaal Received This Week Is Not

im- portant. Sir George Colley has fortified the heights above the Ingogo, to protect his advance, and is carefully studying Laing's Nek, where the Boers have concentrated in......

The Accident To Mr. Gladstone Has Impeded The Proposed...

as to the condition of public business; but a rumour, more or less authoritative, is afloat that the Govern- ment, in their anxiety to state their remedial measures, will......

News Of The Week.

M R. GLAD STONE met, on Wednesday nIght, with a somewhat serious accident, which will confine him to his room for some days, though there is no kind of anxiety as to the result.......