We may commend to our readers a series of little manuals, pub- lished by Messrs. Cassell and Co., under the title of "Helps to Belief." Four of these have come under our notice, and there are others published. These fear are Miracles, by Brownlow Maitland, M.A.; Prayer, by T. Teignmonth Shore, MA.; The Morality of the Gospel, by Newman Smyth ; and Creation, by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle. We cannot attempt to criticise, or even summarise, these apologia, for they deal with some of the most important of human questions ; but we may say that they deal frankly with diffioulties of the separate problems which they discuss, and most them with a satisfactory success. We would specially commend that on Prayer ; but all of them will probably be found useful. Any one who wants for himself or for others a clear and succinct statement of the reasons of belief, will find here something worthy of attention.