Letters To The Editor.
THE "QUARTERLY REVIEW" AND "MIL CLAD. STONE : A STUDY." [To ntr Errros or rErs ”Sescrrroa."] Sm,—In spite of extreme reluctance to enter into a controversy in which I am not......
Mr. Harrison On Romp-rule.
LTO TRH EDITOR OF TEE SPECTATOR.. J Sia,—I most distinctly deny the statement about myself made- in your issue of February 19th by "An ex-M.P." It is per- fectly untrue that I......
What Is Liberalism ?
[To TER EDITOR OF TRY " sreors-nou'] Sin.,—I am afraid you did not let your intelligence play very freely round the subject of Lord Hartington's relation to the Liberal Party......
The Temperance Convention.
[To TRE EDITOR OF TIM SFECTATOR."] SIR,—Referring to the notice in your issue of February 19th of the recent Temperance Convention at Exeter Hall, permit me to say that the......