Sia,—Mr. Zangwill's position is that the Arabs in Palestine have a prescriptive right to domicile there, but ought to tolerate some stigma of inferiority on account of the inefficiency attributed to them. Peace and prosperity are not likely to endure in a modern State on that basis. Imagine the harangues of the Arab Labour leaders at future Socialist conferences. Ultimately, according to Mr. Zangwill's vision, the Arabs are to be removed from the home of their fathers by the League of Nations in a general outburst of "planetary goodwill." But if "planetary goodwill "-prevails neighbours will not seek to get rid of neighbours.. If populations are exiled against their will they may well liken the League of Nations to Nebuchad- nezzar, and adapt Psalm cxxxvii. (" By the waters of Babylon ") to their-own plight.—I am, Sir, &c., G. Buxom, 38 Mortlake Road, Kew Gardens.