The Sinn' Fein'rebels Have Committed Some...
week. On . Friday, February 18th; an ernsoldier tattled viho'•tvas suffering from dropsy' and had - been admitted to the Cork workhouse- infirmary, was taken -from his bed and......
The People's Union For Economy, The Body Of Which Lord
Salisbury is President, and which has on its committee a large number of distinguished Unionists, Liberals, and business men, has issued an excellent manifesto to every Member......
We Are- Glad• To See The Union's Policy Put Forward
so clearly and ably,--but we are bound to say - that manifestoes of this kind, - which will fall chiefly- into , the -hands of party politicians, are comparatively -useless. The......
Shin Fein Incendiaries Were At Work In The Outer Suburbs
of Manchester last Saturday. They set fire to the stackyards at ten farms in different- districts and eaused damage to the 'extent of £20,000. Two of the uteri were- disturbed......
We Publish Boalay- -the First • Instalment Of An Exceedingly
interesting article on Christian Reunion, by -Lord Hugh Cecil. 'We wish, however, to make it quite clear to-our - readers that Lord- Hugh Cecil & expressing his own opinions and......
In The Prussian General Election On Sunday The Ruling...
of Socialists, Milan Catholics; and Demderitts" lost :61 seats; while the - eitreine Monarchists gained 32 seatd and the "People's Party," controlled by the wealthy......
The Bolsheviks Lave Once More Shown Their • Contempt For
" self-determination." Bolshevik armies last week invaded Georgia and advanced towards Tiflis. The Georgian Govern- ment have had to leave the capital and retire to Batum. Now......
The Allied Miniaters Met In Eel:dere/me-at St. -james's...
Monday to consider Near Eastern questions. They decided that the plebiscite both of residents and non-residents in Upper -Silesia should be held on March 20th. The Greek Premier......
Mr. Harding, The President-elect: Of The United - States,...
- Saturday last that Mr: Charles E: Hughes Would be his Secretary of State. We should -like to• congratulate -Mr. 'Harding and - his 'country - on his ailinirsible - cliace.......
On Saturday Last The Troops In Dublin Made A House4o-house
search of• one of the northern -districts sad•discovered the rebel headquarters. The rebel 'leaders MtfCrtanately escaped, but -left all their-papers, containing plans for......