We publish boalay- -the first • instalment of an exceedingly
interesting article on Christian Reunion, by -Lord Hugh Cecil. 'We wish, however, to make it quite clear to-our -readers that Lord- Hugh Cecil & expressing his own opinions and not those of the Spectator. But though we disagree- with many of his conclusions-, we feel bound- to express our admiration for the admirable temper • in which • he conducts -his controversy with Dean Inge. 'Temper, indeed, is not a strong enough 'word. He shows • the true sympathy of comprehension,- though not, of course, of approval, and also a true- sense of respect for- -his opponent's opinions. When the seoond 'part. of 'Lord Hugh Cecil's article has appeared, or soon after, we hope to find space to say something ourselves-about- the subject.