26 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 14


[To TIE EDIT= OF THE " SPECTATOS."] Sin,—Four readers of the above-named article, wishing to assure themselves of the existence of their subconscious selves, experimented as directed in your article of February 12th. With three of the party the experiment was successful, but with the fourth the bright object remained absolutely stationary. What does this portend?—I am, Sir, &c., A CONSTANT READER. [We have shown this letter to the author of the articles on Psycho-Analysis, who has replied that it is impossible to give the reason for the failure of a single experiment unless.all the details are provided. Often the experiment which our correspondent tried will not work if people set their wills very firmly either for or against success. Nervousness or anxiety also produces failure. It often happens that if an experimenter who has failed tries again when alone, or under different conditions, he will meet with success.—ED. Spectator.] •