[To rat Boma or TIIE, " Eirrar41 OL"1 I.P.4,0." are the initials, now becoming familiar, of the Joint Parliamentary Advisory Council, a body of Members
♦ f Parliament and women social workers who meet periodically to consider and amend Bills dealing with social reform. The Preaident is. Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, and an Honorary Parliamentary Secretary represents each of the main parties in the House of Commons. Committees of experts are. formed from members of the Council especially informed.on the work under discussibn. After careful and judicial inquiry, reports are issued to Members. of the. Reuse of Commons.. 1314iog the seven years of its existence recommendations of the ,Council have been incorporated in the following Acts : (1) Kental Deficienoy Act, 1913; (2) the Criminal Law Anteralinent Aet,. 1914; (8) Education Act, 1918 (new clause making cominiloory the education of physically defective children); (4) HOnsillig. Aot, 1919.
This work entails a certain outlay in office and .printing expenses, a fund for which is raised by subscription from members of the Council. In aid of this fund three literary lectures will be given in the State Room of the Governor's House, Royal Hospital, Chelsea, by kind permission of the Governor, General Sir Neville Lyttelton. On March let Mr. John Bailey will lecture on "Don Quixote," on March 8th Sir Henry Newbolt on the "Poems of Walter de la Mare," and on March 15th Mr. de la Mare will himself discourse " Of Islands and Robinson Crusoe." The hour will be 5.30 p.m. The price of tickets is £1 ls. for the course, or 19s. 6d. for a single lecture. Tickets may be had from Mrs, C. P. Torrey,. Office of the Joint Parliamentary Advisory Council, 7 Hobart Place, S.W. 1, or at the door at the time of the lectures.—I am,