26 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 14

[To THE Kerma OF THE " SPIDTATOR. " ] S sn, —In regard to

unemployment doles the following case.has come to my notice A very capable domestic left. her place in, her native county to go into a mill, which, after a, while, went on short time. She is now working three days a. weak and receiving unemployment dole for the .other. three. In Leeds at the present time there are, it is. said. sso domestic servants applying for unemployment doles, and this while in every daily paper there are. columns of advertisements. for . domestics in every capacity. Is it not time that this scandal_ should cease and the ratepayers' money put to. a better use? A friend of mine was told by a high-class dressmaker who employed on her staff a delicate girl, unable to do an ordinary woman's work, that, ranch to her regret, she had had to dismiss her owing to the unions forbidding her to work under a certain wage, The girl, who was grateful to, her employer and happy in her work„ is now at home doing nothing. The mother, in her distress, asked the employer whether the case could be met by her granting the wage on the understanding that she (the mother) paid her back the balance every time. Yet Trade Union leaders Whine over the hardships of unemploy-