Illtotiee in (hie column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.'
Chronology of the War. Vol. IIL, 1918, 1919. (Constable. 16e. net.)—We must congratulate Lord Edward Gleichen on completing this valuable and convenient synopsis of the war, It will be remembered that the work was planned and begun at the instance of the Ministry of Information, that two volumes were issued under the auspices of that Ministry, and that then, the Ministry being abolished, the Treasury refused to pay the small sum—about £300—required for the actual printing and binding of the third volume. The Treasury turned a blind eye to the vast expenditure of the Ministry of Munitions, but it sought a reputation for thrift by leaving this really useful official work incomplete. Fortunately, the King and others subscribed the money which the Treasury could not afford to pay, and the chronology is now available. The volume for 1918 is of course peculiarly useful, and it has been compiled with great care. The appendices contain a great deal of information, including casualty totals and the armistice terms, and there is a full index for each year. At the end an article packed with facts shows the price that we paid in Blood and Treasure " for victory.