26 FEBRUARY 1927, Page 2

A general strike has been declared in the Chinese cite

of Shanghai, but since the beginning of the week it has become progressively less effective. At one time there were 110,000 strikers, but by 'Wednesday thousands of these had returned to work. There has been a good deal of rioting and looting by the strikers, and last Sunday the Shanghai Defence -Commissioner—a Chinese, of course- arrested and beheaded many Chinese whom he suspected of synipathY with the Cantiiese. The Morning Png correspondent says that he saw at least fifty heads in the streets. Probably in response to foreign protests the Comniissioner has greatly modified this Terror. On Tuesday two of the Chinese ships of war at Shanghai revolted out of sympathy with the Cantonese and began to shell the arsenal in the Chinese city. Two French cruisers steamed alongside these ships and threatened to sink them if the firing was continued. The eleven shells fired all fell in the French Concession, but did not explode.
