26 FEBRUARY 1927, page 27

Motoring Notes

NEW WARNING SIGN. . There is hardly a motorist in the country who has not at some time or another in the course of his driving encountered a danger spot which is quite......

The Grand Prlx.

The R.A.C. has issued the regulations for the Grand Prix, to be held at Brooklands on October 1st. This race forms one of the World's Championship series, and was held in this......

Motoring Holidays

The Coast of North Devon SE magnificence of North Devon lies in the wildness f its country and steepness of its coast. Whether you uch its western extremity at Hartland or its......

The Week's Special Broadcasts Sunday, February 27th.-...

Sheffield Cathedral (8 p.m.). Daily.-The Foundations of Music : " The Sonatas of Mozart (7.15 p.m.). Monday, February 28th.-" The Death of Tintagilcs " : A play by Maurice......

This Week In London

LECTURES. Sunday, February 27th, at 3.30 -THE NATI; R A LI iT . 8 APPROACH To RELIGION. By Professor .1. Arthur Thomson. At the Guildhouse, Eccleston Square, S.W. 1. Wednesday,......