The debate provided a charming example of hoc understanding spreads
when Dr. Shiels, one of the Labour members who took part, in the Empire Tour in Australia, spoke from experience of the extraordinary amount- Of pleasure and excitement caused in the Dominions when a member of ...the Royal Family visit them. And it is not only by -the enlightened Dominion that one of the " symbols- of Empire "- is thus received the backward races of the Empire can understand al' revere • an hereditary ruler, but would have very floe less respect for someone who was merely put in his positio by votes. One might go further and say, what m'as ao said in the Debate, that pleasure and excitement, irk there is a Royal procession in the London streets, are" wiliest in quantity and quality as in distant parts of le Empire. The " show " is a little bit of fairyland ; N a " change " from the familiar ; it takes people ut of themselves. A great deal of inhumanity and Bantry would be required to deny that these facts ave their value. - *