Sir: In answer to your anti-Catholic corre- spondents: 1) Richard
Dawkins says I am 'not of independent mind' and that my mind 'is made up' for me 'by an elderly Pole'. He lies. The person who tells me what to think or write does not exist. The Pope reads my books and I read his encycli- cals, and that is about it. Mr Dawkins, a
sort of poor man's Huxley, is much more of a slave to his scientific-humanist dogma. 2) Alasdair Loudon (Letters, 12 February) says Leonard Woolf did not oppose my appointment as editor of the New Statesman solely because I was a Catholic. He knows nothing about the matter. I have a letter from the old bigot to prove it. The one from him Loudon quotes was written after I had already been editor for six months and Woolf had long since lost the battle. This sly missive was simply an attempt by the Ancient Mariner to square his yardarm.
Paul Johnson
29 Newton Road, London W2