On the 4th Dec.' at Ahmednugger, Bombay, the Wife of Col. Chas. Cameron Shute, Enniskillen Dragoons, of a son.
On the 17th instant, at 37, Belgrave Square, the Countess of Dalkeith, of a son and heir.
On the 17th instant, at Dolforgan, Montgomeryshire, the Wife of R. P. Long, Esq., M.P. of a daughter.
On the 17th instant, at Goldsbro' Hall, the Honourable Mrs. Egremont Lascelles,
of a daughter. On Sunday, the 20th instant, at Downing, Flintshire, the Viscountess Fielding, of a daughter. On the 20th instant, at Harlestone House, Northamptonshire, the Lady Suffield, of a son.
On the 21st instant, at 2, Queen's Gate Gardens, Kensington, the Lady Isabella Whitbread, of a son.
On the 21st instant, at 41, Green Street, W., Lady Lambert, of a son.
On the 21st instant, at Carbell, Torpoint, Cornwall, Mrs. A. Cooper Key, of a son.
On the 4th of November last, at Darjeeling, Bengal Presidency, Captain Frede- derick Fortescue, second son of the late Mathew Fortescue, Esq., of Stephens- town, county Louth, to Marion, eldest daughter of General Garstin. On the 7th instant, at St. Mary's Catholic Chapel, Hampstead, by the Reverend John B. Bagshawe, brother of the bridegroom, William Henry Gunning Bagahawe, Esq., barrister-at-law, eldest son of Henry R. Bagsbaive, Esq., Q.C., to Harriet Thetesa, eldest surviving daughter of Clarkson Stanfield, Esq., R.A.
On the7th instant, at the Catholic Chapel, Arundel, by the Very:Reverend Father Faber, D.D., James It. Hope Scott, Esq., Q.C., to Lady Victoria Fitzalan Howard.
On Tuesday, the 22d instant, at All Souls Church, Langham Place, by the Lord Bishop of Carlisle, the Honourable George Waldegrave, to the Countess of Roches.
On the 22d of November, at Allahabad, East Indies, Colonel B. Riky, command- ing H. M.'s 48th Regiment.
On the 7th instant, at Add Lode, Leeds, Yorkshire, Mrs. Reginald Dykes Mar- shall, third daughter of Sir John Herschel, Bart.
On the 8th instant, the Honourable John Sinclair, youngest son of the 12th Earl of Caithness, aged 52.
On the 12th isntant, at Inverleith House, Edinburgh, Alexander Earl Monteith, Esq., Sheriff of Fife, aged 67. On the 15th instant, at 30, Devonshire Place, in her 69th year, Maitland, widow of the late William Erskine, Esq., formerly of Bombay, and daughter of the late Right Honourable Sir James Mackintosh.
On the 17th instant, at Henley Park, Guildford, General Sir George Scovell, G.C.B., Colonel of the 4th Light Dragoons, in his 87th year.
On the 17th instant, at the Deanery, Exeter, the very Reverend Thomas Hill Lowe, M.A., Dean of Exeter. On the 21st instant, at his residence, Landsowne Crescent, Kensington Park, in his 81st year. Sir John Hall, K.C.H., formerly Secretary to the St. Katharine's Dock Company.