Iljt Cunt.
THE QUEEN gave audience on Tuesday to General von Bonin, who pre- sented letters from the King of Prussia ; to Count Bernstorff, the Prussian Ambassador ; and to Lord John......
The Police Magistrates have this week been engaged in winding up their labours as volunteer relieving officers. Vast sums have been sent to them, and continue to be sent. They......
The Harvest Of 1860 Is Pronounced By Competent Authority To
be, on the whole, the most deficient gathered in for the past twenty-five years. The grain is wanting in bulk and weight, and the total loss is not less than 4,000,000 quarters.......
The Rapid And Heavy Fall In The Value Of All
American Seen.- rides, consequent on the political agitation, has exercised a great and singular effect on our own Money Market. Hosts of private speculators, tempted by the......