The Emperor, according to the Times' correspondent, imme- diately after
reading the decree to his Council, " invited" his Ministers to resign in a body. They did so, expecting, as they affirm, to be reappointed, but the Emperor took advantage of the vacancies to leave out M. Fould, Minister of Finance, Marshal Randon, Minister at War, M. Chasseloup Labat, Minister of Marine, and M. Behic, Minister of Public Works. M. Fould is replaced by M. Rouher, who also retains the Ministry of State; Marshal Randon, an officer who rose from the ranks, by Marshal Niel, an engineer ; M. Chasseloup Labat by Admiral Rigauld de Genouilly ; and M. Behic by M. de Forced° de in Roquette. The general drift of these appointments is not peaceful, and they seem to have been settled chiefly with an eye to the scheme for military organization. The Ministers thus quietly edged out of their places are of course not well pleased, but the Emperor, who never forgets any one, will probably find places for all except M. Fould. He does not want anything, except to be Minister of Finance.