The Supreme Court Have Decided That The Test Oath Adminis-
tered to the Secessionists desirous of taking up again their political duties in the South, is illegal. We shall not be much surprised if they soon decide,—what is very likely......
The Emperor, According To The Times' Correspondent, Imme-...
reading the decree to his Council, " invited" his Ministers to resign in a body. They did so, expecting, as they affirm, to be reappointed, but the Emperor took advantage of the......
The Distress In London, Particularly In Deptford,...
is so great that the Bishop has asked the public for aid, the Mansion House Cholera Committee has been re-established, the clergy are all begging for subscriptions, and the......
A Letter And A Decree Signed By The Emperor Of
the French on the 19 inst. were published in the Moniteur of Sunday last. In it Napoleon states that he believes it possible to " give to the in- stitutions of the Empire all......
The President's Veto Of The Negro Suffrage Bill For The
District of Columbia had of course no result. Both Houses of Congress immediately passed it over his head by more than two-thirds' ma- jorities. And there has already been a......
The Council Of University College, London, After Hearing...
the opinion of the Law officers of the Crown that they were bound to comply with the 'requisition for a special meeting;. and that any resolution passed at it would be legally......
NEWS OF THE WEEK T HE weather broke in London on Tuesday night, after a scene which suggested that Nature was having a quiet laugh to her- self at man's imbecility. About 7 p.m.......