A Conference on the licensing system for public-houses is to
be held, under the presidency of Lord Shaftesbury, in Exeter Hall, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 29th and 30th inst. Dr. Manning, the Roman Catholic Archbishop, is to attend ; and the vice- presidents named, who are, we suppose, rather named as favour- ing the conference and its objects than for any official services which are likely to be demanded from them, are very great and influential persons indeed,—earls, barons, deans, eloquent clergy- men, and more eloquent politicians, and most eloquent poets, in- cluding the poet Laureate. The object is of course to discuss the best means of diminishing drunkenness and the kindred vices, by regulating better than at present the grant of licences and the sale of liquor. It is intended, we believe, to propose that the grant of licences for the sale of spirits and beer shall be vested only in stipendiary magistrates, who are to hold periodical sessions for this special purpose, as the revising barristers do for settling the electoral register.