The situation in Constantinople 16 indeed deplorable. The bulk of
the immense population, which is estimated at all figures from 600,000 to 1,400,000—see newest edition of "Johnstone "- is frightened by the crowds of footsore, half-frozen, hungry refugees who are swarming into the city, and is most anxious for peace. The Softas, however, are angry with the Government, and threaten the Sultan with deposition through the old means of placards, while the temper of the garrison is to the last degree uncertain. The Sultan, afraid of the Russians, afraid of the populace, and afraid of his own advisers, listens with one ear to suggestions of flight to Broussa, and with the other to counsels of resistance a outrance behind the lines of Tchataldja, while he at the same time sends off messenger after messenger to increase the powers of his Plenipotentiaries. Stories of the intention of the Softas to fire the city are constantly circulated, and fears of an outbreak ending in general carnage are gravely entertained, probably for insufficient reaaons. It is expected that the arrival of Suleiman's arm by sea will restore the ascendancy of the usual authorities, but until he arrives, or the armistice is signed, panic of the most dangerous kind must reign in Constantinople.