The French Chamber Of Deputies Was Engaged On Monday In
a warm discussion on the moderation or want of moderation with which the right of invalidating elections had been exercised by the Republican majority. The discussion arose on a......
Mr. Cartwright, M.p. For Oxfordshire, Deserves Thanks For...
question on Monday night as to the policy of Great Britain towards Greece, and Mr. Forster for supporting the in terpel- lation. It is quite clear from the despatch of M.......
Sir Stafford Nortlacote Moved On Thursday Night For A Com-
mittee to consider the Business Rules of the House of Commons, proposing that he himself should be a member of it, and pro- mising that he would bring before it a few simple......
The King Of Spain Was Married To His Cousin, The
Infanta Mercedes, on the 23rd inst., and the papers are full of descrip- tions of the ceremonial. There is little couleur locale in them, except the refusal of the Duke de......
We Regret To Observe The Spirit In Which M. Gambetta's
organ, the Republique Francaise, is treating the Eastern Question, and especially the relation of the British Government to that question. The great Radical leader has taken up......
Nothing Was Publicly Known Up To Friday Evening As To
the conditions of peace. The correspondent of the Telegraph in Pere indeed affects to forward them to that journal, but then this is the gentleman who reported the cock-and-......
The Home-rule Amendment To The Address Was Defeated...
after two nights' debate, by a majority of 253, the motion itself gaining only 48 votes. The chief fea- tures of the debate were Mr. Plunket's amusing speech on Thursday week on......
The Telephone Has Served To Amuse The Queen, Who Always
takes a great and worthy interest in scientific discoveries. Might she not apply it to a great practical use ? She loves her retire- ment at Osborne, and does not willingly, we......