26 JANUARY 1878, Page 1

Nothing was publicly known up to Friday evening as to

the conditions of peace. The correspondent of the Telegraph in Pere indeed affects to forward them to that journal, but then this is the gentleman who reported the cock-and- bull story about the Grand Duke Nicholas having declared that he would not treat except in Adrianople, which city was, therefore, in the most amiable manner, placed at his disposal. Ac- cording to him, Russia asks independence for Servia and Roumania, though the latter is omitted from the latest telegram ; Antivari, Nicsich, and Sp= for Montenegro ; autonomy on the Lebanon pat- tern for Bulgaria down to the Balkans only, free passage for Rus- sian war-steamers through the Straits, and an indemnity of twenty millions, Armenia to be deposited in her hands until the indemnity is paid. Bosnia and the Herzegovina are not mentioned, and the occupation of Constantinople is given up, though part of the Russian army will embark at Constantinople, where the Grand Duke will sign the conditions of peace. The terms reported seem to us, espe- cially as regards Bulgaria, almost impossible, the Southern Bul- garians being surrendered defenceless to the cruelty of the Pashas. They are good terms for Russia, which would thence- forward treat Turkey as a vassal State ; but they do not solve or appear to solve the Eastern Question, and would secure nothing but a truce, lasting till Greece had found an ally.