Clergy Directory for 1878. (Bosworth.)—This is the new volume, corrected
for 1878, of a very convenient and compendious little Clerical Directory, which we have used much and always found accurate.
Parliamentary Buff-book,—being an analysis of the divisions of the House of Commons, with a descending scale of attendanoes of Members at divisions, and a list of the subjects on which divisions were taken. With explanatory notes. By Thomas Nicolls Roberts. (Published by the Author, 2 Torrington Street, Russell Square.)—This should be a most useful book to constituents, as we have more than once observed in these columns. But while constituencies will probably measure their Member's merits to some extent by the number of divisions he has attended, we would suggest to Mr. Roberts in his next volume to give us also an analysis of the number of motions each individual Member has moved or seconded. This might, perhaps, furnish us with a measure iof the obstructiveness of the too active representatives of certain Irish constituencies.