[To the Editor of Tan SPECTATOR.] SIR,--With the sad and much regretted fate of the Week-End Rerfew in mind; it is indeed good reading to see in the current issue that The Spectator " can enter on 1934 with a reasoned confidence." I - have been a constant reader since 1896 (receiving copies, in Gallipoli in 1915 and Tenedos in 1916 and 1917) and I should feel the loss of The Spectator very greatly.
May I suggest that if (absit omen !) the paper should find difficulty in carrying on, a statement might be issued to that effect, and all readers requested to state if they would continue their support, at say, an increased cost of 50 per cent. ? Personally, I would gladly pay Is. per week rather than part with an' rd friend of nearly 40 years.-I am, Sir, &c.,
Tower House, Southsea.
R. Nnisr, [We greatly appreciate the. spirit of our correspondent's suggestion, though we are fortunately not likely to need to avail ourselves of -it-44;3.71e Spectator.]- .