26 JANUARY 1934, page 20

Freedom Of Thought

[To the Editor of TUE Sisee.yron.] f;itt,---- Your correspondent, Janus, haS made history in the long life of The Spectator by a paragraph in Iasi week's issue. lie endeavours......

The Sinai Codex

[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I wonder why Mr. Hamilton Fyfe thinks the purchase of the Codex Sinaiticus " intellectual snobbery." The word " snobbery " is an......

_ Thunder Over Mexico

.[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The protest against political of of motion pictures is one of the greatest-in most of our so-called civilized 'countries, and I thought......

Sense And Poetry

- [To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.} SIIL—May I offer a 'short appendix to Mr. I. M. Parsons' review of Mr. John Sparrow's Sense and Poetry? A list of the misquotations in Mr.......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.1 Sir,—sir: Harold...

vivid reminder "- of " Uncle Dick's philosophy " supplies an instructive . example of the distortions common in the " columns of the stunt press," from whoSe rich pastures his......