Sgt,—I note with much interest an article by a French diplomat on France's war aims in the January tzth issue of The
Spectator, for it contains news of an extraordinary scientific fact in the realm of biology. The writer says that Nazism is a disease satisfying certain permanent traits and needs of the German mentality. The tendency to such forms of government is therefore hereditary and transmitted in the " genes " of the reproductive cells of the fanatical bourgeois.
But this bourgeoisie can only understand the most brutal suppression and a change in their behaviour can only
be brought about by this means apparently. An- other Versailles or worse will thus alter the " genes " tending to produce the aforesaid permanent traits and needs, and all will be well! The only difficulty is that no biologist has yet discovered how to influence the " genes " in an exact way so as to produce a desired development. If the politicians can do this miraculous scientific feat, then we will fall down and worship them! Also, if German aggres- siveness is due to heredity, France should be equally aggressive—or did Waterloo bring about a sudden change in the cells of millions of Frenchmen, and turn them into respectable bourgeois instead of howling revolutionaries? And what about the " hereditary " enemy England? Or did the work of his late Majesty Edward VII bring about a change in our cell-structure together with the Entente Cordiale? What is heredity for the German goose must also be heredity for the French gander.—Yours faithfully,