Unemployed Garages
Attention is quite rightly being called to the Government's treatment of the retail motor trade, which has 16,000 garages or repairing shops distributed over the country. Mr. A.......
Incomes Of The Clergy
In the Lower House of Convocation of Canterbury this week Canon R. E. Roberts called attention to the " enormous disparity " in the incomes of the clergy. He pointed out that if......
It May Be Assumed That Some Time Will Elapse Before
Mr. Chamberlain makes any more major changes in the personnel of his Government. But there is a good deal of speculation as to the possibility of a re-shuffle among the junior......
" I Do Not Think Anybody Would Deny That If
all of us were unselfish and behaved with real care there would be very few road accidents." This contribution to modern thought fell from Captain Euan Wallace during the debate......
Camps Without Occupants
Twelve of the camps whose construction by the National Camps Corporation was authorised last May have for some time been ready for occupation, and the remainder, making 31 in......
The Week In Parliament
Our Parliamentary Correspondent writes: Sir John Simon can scarcely have supposed that his announcement on old age pensions would be received with universal enthusiasm, so......