Crossword 692
Prize: £10 (or a copy of Chambers Dictionary, 1983 edition, value £11.95 — ring the words 'Chambers Dictionary' above) for the first correct solution opened on 11 February. Entries to: Crossword 692, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC IN 2LL.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
• 16 Tr/ i12 13 E 15
19 17 20 I
24 26 '7 28 MI 30 31 . 1 32 38 37 I lr U39 40 • 1 42
The nine unclued ights provide eight solutions which Chambers indicates are of a kind to answer the title. Ignore two hyphens and a Possible accent.
Name Address ACROSS 8 Some military state of yore to abjure (4)
10 Runner backing unclued light
backing East German radical's , complaint (10) 12 Would-be unclued light taking on Scottish wool town (4) 16 Operatic heroine, clasping a , flower (5)
17 One of many under arms ends it in fencing (5) 20 In the light quick manner of a soldier painter? (7) 21 Make a hit with a girl in bed ..,3, (7) ' Spenser's noble youth a princess! (7) 24 Pub on 180 degrees bend in river (5) "3 Blow out a couple of notes as jazz (5) 27 It's in fashion for one at the head of a column (7)
30 Mammalian genus's means of attaining security — Man's is ,_ about done! (7) 31) Disruptive about-turn, in a way
37 a la mode de Caen (5) Vain boss (5)
38 A foreign semi-trimaran put on an uneven keel (6)
40 Endures work whereat there's nothing doing (10) 41 Having initially to go without butter (4)
42 Obstinate constriction in occipital protuberance scarce rating squeal out of it? (13) DOWN 1 Spenser's fierce lines to his uncle
2 Lo) ose battalion raised in Egypt
3 Look ok up-river in France for this town (6) 4 Former confusion about. censure? Yes! (5) 5 By way of describing many a song of ambitious deeds ending in failure (7) 6 Scruffy type of Serbo-Croat, note! (6) 7 Could be it's a hubby's low form of life (9) 9 Names 'a pair of queens', Browning & Gaskell? (10) 11 Living out of Town, originally one of the workers (6) 15 Game barbarian laid in state in charnel-house (8) 19 Ships of the line in a new form, perhaps (8) 22 American State and City stars physicist, mathematician, astro- nomer, et al (7) 28 Thrash the opener's butt (6) 29 24 mountain shrub (6) 33 Got off, that's a smart girl! (5) 34 A shipwrecked man-of-war (5) 35 Song without point in marriage, as it were (5) The solution to Crossword 689 is on page 36. Dictionary prizes are sent out by the 'Post-a-Book' service.