26 JANUARY 1985, page 35


A walk P. J. Kavanagh T oo many parties, too many funerals the turn of the year fre q uently has too many of both — and I woke up in a ra g e. I am not sure against whom, or a......

Low Life

Unholy writ Jeffrey Bernard L ast Monday the bailiffs called again as I knew they would. They served me with a bankruptcy order for the sum of £564.50 down to a company called......

No. 1353: The Winners

Jaspistos reports: Competitors were asked for a li g ht-hearted love poem with the metre and rhyme-scheme of one of the choruses in Swinburne's Atalanta in Calydon. I thou g ht......


No. 1356: Pop Valentine Set by Jaspistos: A Valentine poem please (maximum 16 lines) from one teena g er to another in the appropriate jar g on. Entries to 'Competition No.......