Arrived—At Gravesend, July 21st, Sarah. Whitesides, from China ; Statesman. Quitter. horn Singapore; Orient, White. from Bengal ; Severn. Dixon, from Bombay ; and Rambler. Anderson, from Mauritius. At Deal. 24th, Forth, Robertson, from you Dienren's Land. Oft' Swanage, 23d, William Bryan, Rowan, from ditto. At Liverpool, 20th. Warwick, Gibson, from Mauritius. At St. Helena, May 29th. Fenella. Bos- worth, from the Cape ; and Dorothy Foster, Millbank, from Mauritius; 30th, Capri- emu, Smith, from ditto ; 31st, Mary Ann, Smith, from the Cape. June 2d, Swallow. Neilson, from London ; 7th, Sherburne, Corbyn„ from Bengal ; 8th, Lucy, Watson. from Singapore ; 9th, Barrett° junior. Sanders, from Bengal ; and Peru, Graham, front Ceylon. At Van Diemen's Laud, Feb. 18th, Othello, Leggatt, from Liverpool; awl March 6th, Eldon. M'Alpiu, from Leith. Sailed—From Gravesend, July Slat. Solway. Proctor. for Mauritius ; and Antelope, Adams, for St. Helena; 23d, Glenalvon, Skinner, for the Cape: and '24th. Duke of Bedford, Bowen, for Bengal. From Liverpool, 18th, Annandale, Hill, for Bombay.