Marshal Soult Has Retired From The Presidency Of The French
Council. Various reasons are assigned for this step. One is, that M. HUMANN, the Finance Minister, absolutely refused to furnish the funds required by the Marshal for the......
The Movements Of Don Carlos Are But Imperfectly Known. It
is even doubted by some, whether he has actually reached Spain; but there seems scarcely any ground for scepticism on this point. The last accounts represent him as moving......
News Of The Week.
LORD ALTHORP opened his long-delayed Budget last night. His surplus — with the aid of an increase in the receipts from tea- . duties, an addition on licences for the sale of......
A Correspondent Of The Times, Who Writes From...
that the Emperor NICHOLAS is supposed to be " labouring under the same unfortunate malady to which his father fell a victim." It is also said that the removal of Prince LisvEN......
Mebates1 Ant( Proreetting# In Parliament.
1. THE BUDGET. The House of Commons last :light resolved itself into a Committee of Ways and Means ; and Lord ALTHOEP proceeded to lay before them the financial statements of......