The Money Market has been in a comparatively tranquil state. Both the English and Spanish Stocks were depressed, but have since recovered. The fear that the attempt of Don CARLOS might lead by its success to the armed
interference of this country and France in the affairs of the Peninsula, operated unfavourably upon the market; and the settlement of the Account,
which took place on Wednesday, went over heavily. On that day, Consols, which are now quoted with the dividend, were for Money 90i, but have since improved to 91 ; while the price for the August Account, after having been 91i, close at 91A The Budget will be brought forward to-night in the House of Commons; but it is not anticipated that the financial statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer will produce much effect on the value of public Securities. In the Foreign Market, though the fluctuations in Spanish Stock have been considerable, the business has been on a less extensive scale than usual. On Monday, the price was as low as 41i ; but a reaction from that to 44 has oc- curred ; and after being at 44i, the closing price of the day is 44.7-; 45k. Now that she hoplessness of the adventure of Don CARLOS appears to be established, the anxieties of the Bondholders are directed to opening of the Cortes, and the mode in which that body will deal with the finances. Notwithstanding the siuister expectations to the contrary, the session has, we doubt not, already opened at Madrid. The belief that the plan to which we alluded in our last will form the groundwork of the arrangement to be proposed by the Miuistiy to the Cortes, prevails pretty generally, and it is to this conviction that we trace the decline of the various Spanish Stocks, which are current on the Paris Exchange, all of which have been seriously depressed. The Portuguese Bonds have been comparatively steady. At one time the pike was as low as 856 ; but, with the reaction in Spanish, these Securities have improved, and are now 86a3. The transactions in Dutch and the other European Stocks have been very few. The South American Stocks have also been steady.
The Consol Market has been steady during the morning, and the transactions have been very few and uninipm taut. The fluctuations of Spanish Stock have been considerable. At the opening of the market, the price was 4-44 ; sonic con- siderable sales have since been effected, and depressed the Bonds as low at 42;. A reaction has since taken place, and the 'price is now 43; 3. These sales arc attributed to a reported Carlist distutbance in Madrid; a rumour of which Las been rife the whole morning, but to which little importance has been attached.
Consols for Account are 91i. An express has reached town which left Ma- drid at midnight on the 18th instant : by it we learn that owing to a belief among the populace, that the wells and fountains had been poisoned, some serious coin- motions had occurred,—several monks and priests are stated to have fallen sacri- fices to the fury of the mob ; and the riot was still going on at the departure of the wirier. Owieg to this intelligence, Spanish Stuck has experienced a still 3 per Cent. Consuls 8oj Dutch 24 per Cents. ex. div. 57; Ditto for Account 91; French 3 per Cents New at per Cent. Annuities 981 ; Greek. 1933.5 per Cents Bank Stuck 21 52 181219 Mexican 6 per Cents. 424 India Stock, ex. div. Portuguese 5 per Cents 8 Exchequer B 5 Belgian 5per Cents 98; Prussian.181S, 5 per Cent... — Brazilian 5 per Cents 80; Russian. 1822 5 per Cent... 1064 Danish3 per Cents 741 5; Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent... 42 ills Do. Regency Scrip,5 per Cent 834