26 JULY 1834, Page 12


OFFICE or Oa ow AMIE, July 19.—Royal Regiment of Artillery—First Lieut. A. 0. Mulesworth to be S..tcoutl Capt. vice Hough, deceased; Second Lieut. S. B. lloruby to be First Lieut. vice Molesworth.

July 25.-1st Regt. of Life Guards—W. Anderson, Gent. Ridingmaster, to have the rank of Cornet and Sub-Lieut. without pay ; Lord G. A. F. Paget to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Bailey, who retires. 2d Regt. of Life Guanto —Corporal J. King. Ridiugmaster, to have the rank of Cornet and Sub-Lieut. without pay ; Regimental Corporal-Major W. Allen to be Regimental Quartermaster. vice Carr, appointed Adjutant. 6th Regt. of Dragoon Guards—Ensign T. Browne, from the half- pay of the 2241 Regt. of Font, to be Yeterinary.Surg. vice. J. C. Ralston, who returns to his former half pay. 1st Regt. of Dragoons—Cornet G. K. A Molyneux to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Luxford. who retires ; A. Campbell, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Molyneux. 16th Ilegt of Light Dragoons—J. Philips. Gent. to be Veterinary- Sorg. vice Spencer. appointed to the 241 Dragoons. 20th Regt. Foot —Ett;ign 11. Briscoe to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Welch, appointed to the 95th Regt Foot; L. D. Gordon. Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Briscoe. 35th Foot—Ensign J. A. Campbell, front the half pay of the 21st R gt. of Foot, t o be Ensigu, vice Carmichael, deceased. 58th Foot—Second Lieut. C. II. Cragie, from the half pay of the 2341 Regt. to be Ensign, vice Campbell, whose appointment has not taken place. 66th Foot- Capt. 'I'. W. Nesham, from the 75th Regt. of Foot, to be Capt. vice Herbert, who es. 4-It...Tea. 75th Fool—Capt. C. Herbert, from the 66th Regt. of Foot. to be Capt. vies Neshani, who exchanges. 76th Foot—Lieutenant-General Sir P. Maitland. K.C.B. from the Id West India Regiment, to be Colonel, vice General Chowneoleeeasel- 81st Foot—Ensign George Edward Francis, from the half-pay of the 6th Regi- ment of Foot, to be Ensign. 89th Foot—Ensign F. C. Aylmer to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Rochfort, who retires; C. Daly, Gent. to to Ensign, by purchase. vice Aylmer. 95th Foot—Major C. A. Wrottesley, from the half pay Unattached, to be Major, vice W. 'I'. Cockburn, who exchanges ; Lieut. W. Welch, from the 20th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Harrison. who retires. 97th Foot—Ensign A. F. Welsford to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Wall, who retires ; C. Yard, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, ore VictstOrd. let West India Regt.—Major-General the lion. II. King to be Col. vice Sir P. Mait- land, appointed to the command of the 76th Foot. Yd West India Itegt.—F. C. Richardson, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Igacnalt, who retires. Memorandum—The half fray of the undermentioned officers has been cancelled from the 25th inst. inclusive, upon their receiving commuted allowances for their COMIlitS- &ions ;—Major J. Kerby, half-pay of the battalion of incorporated Militia of tiprie? Canada ; Paymaster T. Berkeley. half pay of the 7th Foot ; Lieut. R. C. Lloyd, halb pay 7th law battalion King's German Legion.