The Reports of the Commission appointed last year to inquire
into the Revenue of the Excise have been presented to the House of Conn mons. 'I'he Reports presented are but seven, though they include the Eighth, the Seventh not bring yet completed. The Reports already presented are on Tea, Wine, Summary Jurisdiction, Beer, Stone Bottles and Sweets, Toll:tee°, Spirits (riot yet presented), and Starch. The First, Second, Fourth, and Sixth Reports, treat of those articles which are under the survey of the Excise, although they receive nu duty from them, and the Commissioners of Inquiry reeonitnend that this survey should be wholly discontinued in all these eases. It appears from the shewing, of the Excise-ollicers themselves, that a saving of loos eel/. might be mule in their expetaliture if these four surveys
were to be abolished. The null Report treats of the juristlictiom which the Excise eXerci,cs, net only over the trailers subject to their
laws, but also over all th:. persons who, by fraudulent proceed-
ings, rutty injure that 1,r;:t'-11 i,c the revenue. The Board of Excise are at pi esent judges it ti sir own cause, and sit in their own court. The Commission of 1rIT:ilv !is recommended the abolition of this anomalous juristiletien, as we es of a Court of Appeal consisting of three or four Commissioners elm Late eimj,))..11 sinecures for the last twelve year,. The Filth Report, on the subject of the duties on stone bottles and sweets, exposes the alslnlity of these two miserable sources of ievenue, and reeollinwilds their repeal. The Eighth Re- port relates to starch ; and the repeal of this duty is also recommended, for various reasons. The Ninth Report, which relates to vinegar, has not yet been presented to time House.
A detailed account of the Poor-rates in FAteland and Wales, for time
year ending 25th ...11areli 1833, has been printed. It appears that the whole amount levied Was 8,7:;9,881/. ; of which 6,790,ilei/. was ex- pended for the relief of the poor, 2:i1,41:2/. in snits of law, and 1,694,6691. for other purposes. The diminution, as compared with the par before is 4 per cent.
The following is a statement of the property invested and the per- sons interested in beer-houses, in Pirminghem, Alarieltester, Wigan, Lynn, Ashton, Stayley Bridge, Winer...ter, Walsall, Stockport, Ports.. mouth, and For-ham. T(,,;,1 number of houses, 2018 ; total amount el veldts!, 283,se ;nee', :mimeo of mental lelitill, Tc2 Os. ;
toti:l number of pi ei a- 'dent, 6.;17. In London end the environs, the rapieil cue l; :el : ut 1.10.0tio/. ; mid the nu :idler of per,ons
about I I. s hese l'acts prevt., tlmt when the new beta- bade is in,,d,ilcd with, a xt• t amount of vested interests is endangered.
Government lace offered to pay half the amount of loss sustained in the demolition of IVesleyan chapel-property in the West Indies, to an amount of somewhat more than I190(11.
Such was the intsnse heat on the 18th instant, that time Merthyr mail from Cardiff was detained nearly an hour at different places on the road in preventing the wheels being set on lire; the axletree was so hot that a passenger severely burnt his hand iu endeavouring. to turn the screws.
—Mellor Guardian. [l'he wheels were probably new, or badly put together; in whirl: ease the fib-60n might set the, i on fire. In cli- mates where the thermometer in the sun ranges from 120 to 145, coach- wheels are not ignited.]
The thermometer, which had been nearly 90 in time shade, fell on Saturday night to
The following ships of war arc to be immediately reconnic.iored- the Asia, 84; I/unreal. 78; and Alfred, 52; and to be respectively commanded by Sir W. AIontague, Sir L. Curtis, and Captain l'eyton.
The Spanish refugees, who CRITIC to Portsmouth from the Tagus in the Gipsy and Caroline bi igs, have been at length permitted to land at Cuxhaven.
Don Carlos sailed from Portsmouth, in a yacht purchased for 2i;00 guineas, from Mr. Weld, nephew of Cardinal Weld of Lulworth.
It is said to have been proved before the Lords' Committee on the Chimney Sweepers Bill, that the chimnies of the new l'altiee are o constructed that they cannot be cleansed by machinery.
The Hampshire Telegraph gives the following particulars of the "evasion," as it is called, of Don Carlos. "The Prince having affected to have taken serious cold, wrapped a large handkerchief round his head, and retired to his room, desiring that all inqui- rers' might be told of his illness and confinement to his room. He then had his hair closely cropped, his heavy dark whiskers and mustachios shaven off, and supplied himself with a wig. Thus disfigured he left Brompton on the evening of the 1st instant, five days after he had arrived from Portsmouth and taken up his residence there; and succeeded in passing down to our coast, through France to Paris, and on to the Spanish frontier, ere it was known at either of the places that he had absconded. His native partisans now here understand that his Royal Consort has heard from him twice since he passed the frontier." General Saldanha and his family have returned to Lisbon in the schooner Pike, from Falmouth yesterday week. The Due de Cadaval and several other Portuguese of distinction are at present residing at Falmouth.