At Waldershate Park, the Countess of G ei tromp, of a son.
At Woodbrook, Queen's County. Lady JANET WILMOT, of a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Wetnyss Castle. the Lady ERNA WEEMS. of a son.
On the 18th inst., at Leamington, Warwickshire, the Lady of Captain PusvzrotT, 12th Lancers. of a daughter.
On tlw 21st inst.. at Dublin, the Lady of Lieut.-Cul. KING, K.H., of a daughter. On the 16th inst., at East Lune, the wife of Captain Tour NICOLAS, C.B. KAI., of a daughter.
On the 23d inst., at Niarylebone Church. SAMUEL E nmoNn Emactstsit, Esq., third son of the late sir Samuel Falkieer. Bart., to MARY, third d lughter f James Itouwens, Esq. At Kensington, Lie0.4'01. STAPLETON, to CHARLOTTE, daughter of the late lion. Sir William Ponsonby. On the 2211 inst., at St. Butulples, Ilishopsgate, and afterwards at the Legation of her Majt•sty the Queen of Portugal, in the presence of the Poituguese Ambassador and the Consul-General. A. J. FREIRE M moue°, Esq., of Cintra Cottage. Stoke Newington, to ANNA Laves. third daughter of T. F. Ilarrison, Esq.. of New Broad Street.
(In the ;111 inst., at St. Thomas's Church, Winchester. the Rev. II oaswr Sit vex
Rector of Aldborough, Norfolk, to ELIZABETH, daughter of G. K. Lyrottl, Esq., of \\i nehester.
On the 24th inst., at Marylebone Church, Capt. GEORGE II. SOTHEBY. or the 34th Regiment Madras Light Infantry, to CATHERINE, third daughter of the late Richard Lane, Esq., of Argyll Street.
oti the 21st inst., the Marchioness or II r twoicr, at her residence, Cumberland Ter. tams Regent's Park. On the 19th inst., at Woolwich, in his 61st year, the It ev. JOHN MU LLENS, M.A., formerly of Clapham, and for many years Minister of Bantam Ililt Chapel. On the 22,1 inst., Pa-nitric I I EATIN, Esq., of llertford Street. Mayfair, in his 92.1 year. Isia the 2211 inst., at his house in Albany Terrace, Regent's Park, Mr. ALLEY, the barrister. The immediate cause of his death was scarlet fever, but he had lately be. CUMc much attenuated in consequenee of the mistake he made sonic time ago in taking poison.