sia,—In connexion with Professor Percy Gardner's letter, published in your issue of the 19th inst., it occurs to me to suggest, with regard to the restatement of belief desired by him and other liberal Churchmen, that a sharp distinction needs to be drawn between what in the formularies of the Church is everlasting truth of Holy Scripture, and what is of human fabrication. It is important to notice that the affirmations of belief on which modern Churchmen lay most stress as untenable are not those which contain irrational perversions of doctrine, but are the two most fundamental verities of the Christian religion—namely, the inspiration of the Bible and the Virgin Birth of our Lord—neither of which is -at all irrational, how- ever incredible to the natural mind it may appear. The modernist denial of these great verities is an outgrowth of time notion that theology ought to be made to square with natural science. But science gives no ground for the negation. It is incompetent to disprove the Biblical affirmations. Christian doctrine needs no recasting in the light of human science; but the formularies of the Church call urgently for correction in the light of Holy Scripture.—I am, Sir, Ite., Wellfield, Hartley Win tney, Hants.