The Peak Of The Load. By Mildred Aldrich. (constable. 5s.
net.)—Miss Aldrich, who described her early impressions of the war in A Hilltop on the Marne and its sequel, relates her experiences from April, 1917, to July, 1918, in this......
Woodrow Wilson : An Interpretation.. By A. Maurice Low. (t.
Fisher Unwin. 8s. 6d. not.)—Mr. Low's appreciative study of President Wilson's policy is interesting. His views would be hotly controverted by many Americans, but his defence of......
Historical Portraits, 1800-1850. The Lives By (.1'. R. L....
the Portraits chosen by Emery Walker. (Clarendon Press. 12s. 6d. net.)—This is the fourth and last volume of the highly interesting book, the third volume of which we re- viewed......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice is this eolunsn doe4 not necessarily preclude subsequent review; The Edinburgh Review opens with a weighty article by Pro- fessor Alison Phillips on "The Peace......
We Have Received The Fourth Monthly Number Of M.c. (6d.),
"the medium for the organization of the great middle classes." It is addressed to the multitudes who run the risk of being ground between the millstones of organized Labour and......
An Author In Wonderland. By Keble Howard. (chatto And...
10s. 6d: net.)—Mr. Howard describes in this pleasant book how, after being rejected for the Army in the early days of the war, he tried "to do his bit" in the United Arts......
The Statesman's Year-book For 1919. Edited By Sir J. S.
Kettle and M. Epstein. (Macmillan. 18s. net.)—The new edition of this invaluable handbook deals with a period of tran- gtion and is necessarily incomplete. We are surprised,......
Grenville's Last Fight In The ' Revenge ' Is Described
in a very unconventional fashion by Mr. G. Callender, the naval historian, in the July issue of History (Macmillan, Is. 6d. net). He holds that when Lord Thomas Howard was......
In The English Historical Review For July Mr. William Foster
corrects the received accounts of the early history of St.. Helena. The Dutch, he says, never occupied the island. Passing ships called there for water, but no one settled at......
Quoth The Raven. By E. V. L. And G. M.
(Methuen. Is. 3d. net.)—This "unofficial history of the war" in short paragrapht by Mr. Lucas with pictures by Mr. Morrow is very funny indeed. It deals with "the home front,"......