26 JULY 1919, Page 21

The Statesman's Year-Book for 1919. Edited by Sir J. S.

Kettle and M. Epstein. (Macmillan. 18s. net.)—The new edition of this invaluable handbook deals with a period of tran- gtion and is necessarily incomplete. We are surprised, however, at the mass of new and important information which the editors have contrived to obtain. Czecho-Slovakia, Poland, and Iceland—now united to Denmark only by their common King— are given separate sections for the first time. The score of more or less independent States newly formed within the Russian borders are described tentatively. The Southern Slav State is noticed. It may surprise some readers to learn that Czecho- Slovakia is as large as Scotland and has a population of thirteen millions, including about two million Germans, and that Poland is larger than the United Kingdom and has, including part of Lithuania, a population of thirty-six millions. These are substantial States which will not be overawed by Germany. The sections on Russia and Germany are interesting as far as they go ; the notes on the German military forces deserve attention. A map illustrates the general effect of the German Peace Treaty. For the British Empire and America the year- book is as usual remarkably comprehensive and useful.