News of the Week
Great Britain and India WHILE rioting on a small scale and civil disobedience continue, there has been, outwardly, a lull at Simla since the Legislative Assembly rose. But it is clear that Lord Irwin is taking counsel with everyone, Indian and British, of any standing. He has also, we expect, empha- sized, in communication with the Government here, the inexpediency of a Three-Party British Delegation to the Bound Table Conference. The Government has not yet announced its final decision, but it is generally whispered that Mr. -Ramsay MacDonald will defer to the specious claim for the Three Party Delegation. We doubt whether the private negotiations with Mr. Gandhi and the Nehrus after this will stand a better chance of success. Meanwhile, opinion here is at last gathering momentum in support for Lord Irwin's statesmanship, and in defiance of all the fainthearts. We publish elsewhere a graceful letter from Mr. John Buchan showing that some at least of our Members of Parliament have given careful thought to the question of Dominion status of which we wrote last week.