26 JULY 1930, page 12


A LEITER FROM ANCORA. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—When A was in Turkey in 1928, it seemed to me rather a happy-go-lucky country. This year, however, I was left with a......

Native Forest

FAST-ROOTED, with no sound, no stir, Stood up magnificent the trees : And what had I, a traveller Distraught, to do with these ? Cool-throated in that green arcade, The singing......

Gramophone Notes

SINCE several correspondents have written to me about my advocacy of fibre needles and their misfortunes in trying them. I want to give the essential rules which must be......

A Hundred Years Ago

The King has sent a most gracious message to the President of the Royal Academy, inquiring in what way His Majesty can best promote the interests of fine art. There is but one......