There arc Indian politicians, among them men like Mr. Srinivasa
Sastri, with a long and varied experience of the problems of the British Commonwealth, who follow the bad example of some constitutional lawyers, and con- fuse status with function. But they arc men wise beyond their time, and soar above the plane of reality, on which, as they well know, this Indian question must be settled here and now. That they are prepared to think again was made clear by Mr. Sastri in his lecture to the East India Association on Tuesday. Our contention is t hat, since, for better or for worse, we arc saddled with this metaphysical phrase of Dominion status, we should not run away from it but use it— having the courage to emphasize the distinction between status and funetion and to admit that " most people " are wrong in failing to make this distinction—use it as a bridge to ford the stream of misunderstanding and so give the Conference its best chance of success.
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