26 JULY 1930, Page 15

Nevertheless, when we have allowed for all subtractions from the

rather too slick and certain prophecies of the earlier propagandists, it is true that the garden city or satellite town," as the phrase goes, strengthens the arguments for regional planning ; and regional planning is the strongest card of the preservers of rural England. The control of design (preached with force and charm and humour by Mr. Clough Williams-Ellis), and of advertisement ; the preservation of rights of way, of historic spots and most English scenes, tho encouragement of the rural sense—all these are of importance ; but England cannot be saved until every county that is threatened by neighbouring towns or insistent travellers is regionally planned for the preservation of natural beauty, health and wealth, including husbandry ; and in such regional planning the decentralised factory and satellite town have an assured place in the new Englund. It was interesting to discover this week that some of the elementary school teachers in Hertfordshire are preparing to teach regional planning. The public schools might follow suit.