Germany The Reichstag is dissolved and Germany will have a
General Election in September. The culminating troubles of the Chancellor and his Government arose out of certain unpopular taxes which they held to be necessary in order to balance the Budget. Herr Hugcnberg, leader of the National-Socialists, was extremely troublesome in pro- posing quite impossible terms for his support in the Reichstag, including the upsetting of the balance of parties in the Prussian Diet. Even Count Westarp could not follow him there and withdrew the support of several at hers from Herr Hugenberg. At the first sign of defeat Dr. Bruning withdrew the measure and produced, ready signed by the President, an emergency Decree enacting the required taxation. The Reichstag insisted later, as it may under the Constitution, on the withdrawal of the Decree, and the Reichstag was dissolved. In the Rhine- land the festivities and the triumphal progress of Marshal von Hindenberg were not affected by the crisis. The joyful celebrations have only been marred by the collapse of a bridge, well-known to many British since 1919, over a stream in the " Eck " at Coblenz. It was overcrowded with people watching the illuminations at Ehrenhrcitstein and many lives, unfortunately, were lost. The President decided that under this shadow of mourn- ing he would discontinue his tour. We are sorry that it has had to end thus.
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