26 JULY 1930, Page 2

The British Reply to the Quai D'Orsay The answer of

His Majesty's Government to the Memorandum on European Federal Union was published on Thursday, July 17th. It is in essence a polite statement of agreement with M. Briand's aim, and of disagreement with the methods proposed. It pleads for the con- sideration of economic questions " not one by one, nor in respect of isolated interests, but as a whole, and from the wider point of view of the general interests involved." Unfortunately, this enlightened self-interest is a plant of very slow growth on the Continent. The Secretary of State had to admit that his answer could not be decisive until the Dominions had been consulted further. That is where the impasse lies for us. Can the United Kingdom join any Union to which the Empire cannot belong ? Could a European Union be stretched to include any British Dominion except Ireland ?

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