26 JULY 1930, Page 21

Some Books of the Week

NON-FICTION :—Confessions and Impressions, by Ethel Mannin ; Lord Balfour, A Memory, by Sir Ian Malcolm ; My Memoirs, by Sir Frank Benson ; Northcliffe, by Hamilton Fyfe ; Espionage, by H. R. Berndorff ; Escapade, by Evelyn Scott ; Good Manners and Bad, by Hugh Scott ; The Under- world of Paris, by Alfred Morain.

FICTION :—The Water Gipsies, by A. P. Herbert ; Castle Gay, by John Buchan ; Sir She Said, by Alec Waugh ; The Inheritor, by E. E. Benson ; Miss Mole, by E. H. Young ; The Island, by N. Royde-Smith ; Robert Peckham, by Maurice Baring ; Fire Below, by Dornford Yates.

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