Dr. Friedrich Rosen, who has mitten in English his Oriental
Memories of n German Diplomatist (Methuen. 15s.). was through his English wife a friend of the late Miss G-i!rnde Bell, and his charming book reminds us of her Persirm and her Letters. Dr. Rosen spent his earl• years in Jerusalem where his father was the German Consul, and he served in Persia and Syria, and at Baghdad and Jerusalem before he was recalled in 1900 to the Berlin Foreign Office. At Teheran he knew Sir Frank Laseellcs well and remembers him as the most perfect of diplomatists. " He had, amongst others, one quality that cannot be sufficiently appreciated. Ile was supremely lazy." That is to say, he never gave offence by a bustling or inquisitive air, though he was very well informed. The author laments the growing alienation of Germany and England from 1891) onwards and calls the War the greatest crime and the greatest folly in history."