26 JULY 1930, Page 29
General Knowledge Questions
Dun weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss A. C. Hannay, Nbils Rectory, Frome.
Questions on \\-ell-known Books' Sub-Titles
What well-known works have the following subtitles 1. 'Tis Sixty Years Since.
2. The Parish Boy's Progress.
3. The Meg Fiend. 4, The Mistakes of a Night.
5. The Richest Commoner in England.
6. New Foes with an Old Face.
7. Over the Range.
8. Little by Little.
9. The Irish Dragoon. 10. The Castle of the Do Staneeys, 11. What You Will.
12, Memoirs of a Most Respectable Family. . 13. The Spirit of Solitude. Answers will be found on page 146.